The Book that Made an Impact in My Parents' Lives

Once, I asked my mother about the book that impacted her the most. After thinking for a while, she said she once read a book about a Taiwanese boy when she was in primary school. The book was written based on a true story and it was very touching. The title of the book 汪洋中的一条船, or 'He Never Gives Up'.
Book Cover
This book tells of a young boy in Taiwan. When this boy was born, his had crippled legs. As his family was poor, they thought of abandoning him as he was a great burden. However, his mother banished the idea and continued to raise him up.

Because of this physical disability, he cannot walk or run. Everyday, he crawls to school from his home. Even though it was very difficult, he continued to go to school. Sometimes, his friends carried him around on their backs. He moved around like this until he graduated university.

Besides having a hard time in his school years, he had to cope with the pressure of working and adapt to adult life. Because of his determined and hardworking attitude, he finally succeeded and earned a lot of money. He also got married and had a family.

My mother said that she learnt a lot of values from this book. It can also teach us how to face problems and never give up. A movie was also made based on this book and was screened in 1979.


Andrew Law June 21, 2009 at 4:55 AM  

Good post! Very touching. Where can you get this book (as in which of the bookstore still have this book on sale)

Kazereiki June 22, 2009 at 12:35 AM  

Sorry, I don't know. You know, my mother read this book over 30 years ago XD

hp June 24, 2009 at 10:31 PM  

Excuse me, could I know where can this book be bought? Very touching post indeed.

Lim Chia Wei(14) 1A2 July 12, 2009 at 9:18 AM  

A nice post but I think your picture of the book cover is quite large.

The story is very touching, especially when it was made into a movie/drama series. I like it!

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